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Exchange rates and your Saudi Salary

All offers from Saudi Arabia will show your monthly salary in Saudi Riyals.

Usually, we let you know the Salary amount in Rands, but this is an estimate depending on the exchange rate of the day.

The rand fluctuates against major currencies daily.

  • Today, the value of the rand is Saudi Riyal 1 = 3.44 Rand
  • In January, the value was Saudi Riyal 1 = 3. 51 Rand

Note:  when the rand weakens/ strengthens against the major currencies (Dollar, Pound, Riyal) then your Saudi Riyal salary increases/decreases in Rand terms!

A salary of SR14,000 fluctuates according to the day  eg

  • January SR 14,000 in rand 49140
  • Today -SR 14,000 in rand 48160

We use an online exchange rate calculator to check the rate for the day.

We use this as a guide and you can get an exact rate from the bank on the day.

But we do advise to check the exchange rate yourself. Especially if you have offers from different agents or are getting lower/higher salary than expected.

If you are concerned that a friend/colleague is earning a salary much higher than you are offered then it is wise to check –

  • Saudi Riyal salary amount per month.
  • Years of service in Saudi (there is a yearly increment)
  • If benefits are included in salary

We will advise you if your salary is in line with what is currently on offer in Saudi.

My personal advice is to evaluate the money offered according to your own needs.

Know your own financial goals – save, education for kids, pay for a house. I often hear from candidates when they are buying a new house, car etc so we know it works if you are sensible.

Some candidates reject offers thinking they will get higher offers and spend another 6 months waiting and then accept what they were offered in the beginning. Every month they are losing out on R48000 tax-free whilst their friends are working away and getting that money.



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We find jobs for registered nurses in the Middle East and the UK.

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