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After you receive a Job Offer

Once you have accepted a Job Offer you will need to submit the following documents to us urgently, therefore it is important that you start applying for these as early as possible to avoid delays – these documents are mandatory and we cannot proceed without them:

Transcript of Training

What is a Transcript of Training?

The Transcript of Training lists the various modules included in your course, as well as the actual hours spent on each module.

How to Apply?

First Option

If the College / University where you obtained your Diploma / Degree is still open, you must please contact them directly to enquire about how to apply.

Second Option

If the College / University has closed, then you can apply to the South African Nursing Council

  • Deposit R2,030.00 into SANC’s bank account:  S A Nursing Council No 2 Account  –  First National Bank Corporate Core Banking  –  Pretoria (253-145)  –  Acc No. 514 211 86 193  –  Ref: Your SANC Ref. No., followed directly by the letters VERIFEE
  • Please download the SANC Transcript Request Letter – print & sign and then post/courier/hand deliver the original letter plus proof of payment to SANC:  PO Box 1123, Pretoria, 0001 / 602 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, 0083
  • Please email a copy of the application to our office

Please be sure to follow up with SANC immediately to avoid any potential delays with processing

Police Clearance Certificate

How to apply

  • Go to your nearest Police Station and request to apply for a Police Clearance Certificate for visa application purposes
  • You will be required to take a full set of fingerprints
  • Your full name, surname, date of birth, place of birth and identity number must also be recorded on the fingerprint form
  • You are required to present your original Identity Document at the police station as proof of identity
  • A copy of your ID document/passport must accompany the application

Cost: This service is rendered at R114-00 per application payable at the Police Station.

The police station will keep the application form and send it to a central hub/police
station. This hub will then forward the application directly to Criminal Records

Completed Applications, including the original fingerprints & receipt, must then be sent to our office

Certificates and Diplomas

Matric Certificate

If missing, please apply to the Department of Education in your province for a reissue/replacement

Primary Diploma/Degree

If missing, please apply to both the SANC (or relevant health council) for a replacement Diploma, and to the College where you trained for a Confirmation of Diploma Letter

Licence to Practice

If missing, please apply to the SANC (or relevant health council) for a letter confirming that you are licenced to practice for the current year

Certificates of Service

You are required to produce proof of employment for every position held since you qualified.

Please apply to the relevant HR Depts for these documents, which must:

  • be on official letterhead / stationery;
  • be signed & stamped by the HR Dept;
  • indicate position held;
  • indicate start & end date of service.

*If you are unable to obtain documents for the older employers (some hospitals do not keep employee records older than 5 years), then please provide either a letter from the HR Dept stating this, and/or a sworn affidavit completed by you, stating the reason you are unable to obtain the document, as well as mentioning the employers name; the dates of employment; and the position held.

*If the current employers will only issue the Certificates of Service after you have resigned, then please try obtain a Confirmation of Employment Letter from the HR Dept – you could possibly tell them it is for Banking purposes.  Failure to supply this document now might delay your mobilisation – if you are struggling, please chat to us!

Reference Letters

All Reference Letters must:

  • be on official letterhead / stationery;
  • be written by your direct Manager/Supervisor;
  • be dated & signed by the Referee, indicating their position title;
  • indicate your position held;
  • indicate start & end date of service;
  • give detailed information regarding your skills and abilities pertaining to the role;
  • give detailed information regarding your personal attributes.

Certificate of Status/Good Standing

What is a Certificate of Good Standing?

This document issued by the relevant Health Council stating that there are no known offences or disciplinary proceedings on your record and that you are fit to practice, and is only valid for the current year.

How to Apply?

South African Nursing Council

  • Deposit R2,030.00 into SANC’s bank account:
  • S A Nursing Council No 2 Account  – First National Bank Corporate Core Banking – Pretoria (253-145) –  Acc No. 514 211 86 193  –  Ref: Your SANC Ref. No., followed by the letters CETSFEE
  • Please download the SANC-Certificate of Good Standing– print & sign and then post/courier/hand deliver the original letter plus proof of payment to SANC:  PO Box 1123, Pretoria, 0001 / 602 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, 0083
  • Please email a copy of the application to our office
  • Please be sure to follow up with SANC immediately to avoid any potential delays with processing

Health Professions Council of South Africa

  • Download and complete the Affidavit from the HPCSA website here
  • Deposit R406.00 into the HPCSA’s bank account & an additional R107.00 if you wish for it to be couriered
  • Email the above two documents, along with a written request, to and advise where the Certificate should be sent (either to you or to our office)

Saudi Commission for Health Specialities

  • Visit the SCHS website:
  • Enter your registration number, leaving out the spaces and dashes, e.g. 12RN1234567
  • Click “next”
  • Enter your email address
  • Enter your phone number, leaving out spaces and brackets, e.g. 0217826753
  • Click “next”
  • Select “good standing” from the first drop down list, and click “add service”
  • Click “next”
  • Click “confirm”
  • Click “print”, this will generate an invoice
  • Payment can only be made from within KSA, therefore please contact a friend / colleague who is still in KSA and ask them to assist you with this
  • At any Al Rahji or online ATM machines, click SADAD PAYMENTS. They will ask for a 3-digit code. The code for Saudi Council Health Specialties payments is 129. After entering the 129 code, they will ask for the account number – enter the account number from your online registration.
  • Once payment has been processed the certificate will be emailed to you

If you worked in any other foreign country during the previous two years, please enquire with their health authority re. how to apply.