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telephone interviews


Many companies use telephone interview as a 1st stage screening interview

Keep in mind that a lot of communication is non-verbal, and you will need to keep on your toes to ace this!

 Telephone interview tips

  • Keep smiling! It will show in your voice
  • Try standing up when speaking. It will remove the quiver in your voice!
  • Interview in a quiet room. Turn off the TV and stereo, chase away the dogs, and
  • keep the children away
  • Make notes and tape them to the wall – list your strengths and what you would like to come across in the interview
  • Keep a pen, paper and diary nearby
  • Do not pause – rather say, “Just one minute, I just want to jot that down”
  • Be nice to receptionists and switchboard operators who connect you – they WILL tell the boss if you are rude
  • Test your cell phone connection or landline before the interview. Avoid headsets or speakerphones where possible
  • Practice with your friend. Ask them if you are speaking too loudly or too softly
  • Put a mirror in your phone-interview room. It helps to speak to a friendly face –even your own!
  • Be prepared! You may be called at any time.
  • Research the company and be sure that you have plenty of free time available on the day of the interview
  • Do not eat, drink, chew gum, sniffle or make any other noses! If you have to sneeze, hold the phone far away from you and apologize.
  • Do NOT put the interviewer on hold for any reason
  • Do NOT answer other calls or speak to other people in the room.
  • Do not monopolize the conversation. Listen carefully and give short but informative answers.
  • If you accidently interrupt the interviewer, apologize.
  • Phone interviews are as formal as personal ones.
  • Dress up for them if it will help set the tone.


Good luck. Your next phone interview may be The One!